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Our Story

Milton & King started in 2008 and we’ve been on this amazing journey ever since. The shared passion of brothers Richard and Bryce, Milton & King is a humble family business blindly dedicated to the evolution of the wallpaper and fabric industry.

Reinventing the rule book by harnessing emerging technologies in our unfaltering pursuit of excellence. But everyone says that, right?

But great products don’t come easy, nor does the transformation of an industry.

Late nights, weekends at the office, plenty of bruised egos. A journey paved by fails and successes – but a path lined by family and friends, continually cheering us on.

For the past decade we have been refining our
products and production techniques through
detailed research and extensive testing.

The result, world class goods that push innovation to the limit and an array of one-of-kind techniques that continue to evolve daily. Every collection meticulously researched and designed to the finest of details and the latest of certifications.

Manufactured with absolute precision and care. Delivered worldwide, quickly and efficiently

Enhancing a home is enhancing a life,
and we are proud that Milton & King has become a signature
vehicle helping clients build such confidence.

At its core, Milton & King
is a lifestyle brand.

Producing on demand, on trend, highly curated and globally designed products. Creating interiors that wow, or a palette that shines in its subtlety.

Championing a new manufacturing model we're reinventing retail to be smarter,
more aligned with our modern lives.

We’re putting the emphasis back on customer support, and reacting quickly and precisely to consumer demands and needs.

What sets us apart from
other manufacturers? 

We get asked this question a lot and the answer is; we understand that besides a great product, a great customer journey is key. This is why we are proud of our “boutique appeal” and that the complete satisfaction of every client is not only our pride, but also our priority.

Doing things the Milton & King way is our goal – We are an honest and ambitious team that loves being in the driver’s seat as our industry evolves. Anticipating where the industry is headed and also helping drive it there. 

We're ready to help


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Please login to your account to view trade pricing, complimentary sampling and exclusive trade only products.

Become a Trade Partner

Our trade program is open to credentialed interiors professionals who love styling, designing, building or otherwise. We look forward to working together!

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